Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hello, everyone.  My name is Dan Vellinga and I'm a pastor of a church in Marshalltown, Iowa.  This blog is about Bible study; that is, what I'm studying in Scripture for my own learning and spiritual growth.  The title comes from an anecdote alleged to involve Charles Spurgeon, the great British preacher of another century.  When asked by some students how they were to defend the Bible against a variety of attacks, Spurgeon replied with a question.  "How do you defend a caged lion?"  The students didn't know, so he answered it himself.  "You don't," he said.  "You let it out of its cage and it will defend itself."  

My views on Scripture are very conservative, I believe it to be the infallible Word of God.  I know that such a view leads me to some tricky questions and I can find that I have "painted myself into a corner" because some of those questions are very hard to answer.  Then again,I think all views of Scripture lead to tricky questions so I try to find the "corner" that is closest to the truth.  Over the years, Scripture has proved to be an unending source of encouragement and wisdom for me.

I should add one caveat.  While I believe that the Scriptures are infallible, I, as someone to tries to apply and learn, am very fallible and make mistakes all the time.  Anything on this blog is my opinion and may not always be held by every member of the church I serve.  For any errors or foolishness that you find here, I apologize, and if people find any encouragement or food for thought from this blog, then I will consider the endeavor a success. 

Currently I'm studying the book of Ezekiel and my next entry will be thoughts about that book.  

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