Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Luke 22:1-71 (New King James Version of the Bible)
Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near, which is called Passover.  And the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might kill Him, for they feared the people.  Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.

Satan was there at the beginning of the Last Supper
In entering Judas, Satan entered someone who was one of the twelve, the closest group of people to Jesus.  One could surmise that Judas may not have truly submitted to the Lordship of Jesus, but Jesus once rebuked Peter with the words "get behind me, Satan!"  Peter was a true disciple.  Can someone who is a true follower of Jesus be influenced by demons without being "oppressed"?  How easy is it for Satan or one of his demons to put a thought into my head? 

Furthermore, Satan did not simply make suggestions and thereby tempt Judas, he entered him. That seems far more powerful and intimate.  It implies control, perhaps, or at least great influence.  Since Satan is an archangel, can angels enter people and act through them?  Maybe they can, but choose not to do so and leave that up to the Holy Spirit, who resides in people who follow Jesus.  Still, it is startling to consider how close Satan was to an event so sacred and that he was allowed to enter someone who was among His closest disciples.  He probably looked just as righteous as the rest, at least on the surface.  I wonder, who are the people most influenced by evil in my community, and how respectable do they appear on the surface?  

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Hello, everyone.
I haven't posted since, June, so I hope you've had a good Summer.
I've just finished pondering Luke 21-a passage too long to put in this post, so I'll let you look it up if you like.  In the chapter Jesus first notes the sacrificial gift of a poor widow.  He stated that she gave more than all the rest because she had so little in the first place.  This led to a discussion of the temple, and when Jesus predicted its destruction, the disciples were interested and concerned.

Jesus gives a prophetic lesson that struck me on a couple of points.
First, people going through this terrible time run the risk of loosing everything.  Even family ties are broken and people are betrayed even by those they trusted and loved.  No place is safe, and for many the best option is to head for the hills, a scary thought unless one knows how to survive in the wilderness.  It struck me how people, living during times prophesied in Scripture or during any time of upheaval, could experience this.  They lose everything and don't know what to do or who to trust.  I've been told that I can always trust in the Lord Jesus.  It seems this passage teaches me that I must be ready to count on Him when everything else is gone.  Can I count on Him when there is nothing left and my life is in shambles?

I noted that Jesus gave two instructions in this passage; "don't be deceived" and "watch yourselves."  Phony friends and phony Christs are out there and they seem to show up when we are troubled or weak.  I also need to be careful to avoid becoming self absorbed during trial.  I can miss the work of God if I'm too wrapped up in myself.

This brings my attention to the weather
The weather in Iowa (where I live) is serene right now, but we seem to be in the minority considering the troubles facing other parts of the nation.  I've heard of severe heat in California, fires in Montana and Oregon, and of course the terrible troubles in Texas.  Now another hurricane, Irma, is heading for the east coast.  I need to pray for all the suffering people in our country, and specifically ask the Lord how I can be helpful in the best way possible.  I also need to consider what to do if trouble comes my way.  As mentioned before, the weather in Iowa is fine, but Winter is coming.  We'll see.  Be careful and take care of each other.

The Danger of a Hard Heart Ezekiel 11:19-20

    “ Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give th...