Wednesday, December 15, 2021

“Tophet” the low point of Israel’s spiritual life


People reading their Bible should shudder whenever they read of “Tophet” in the Old Testament.  It means “place of burning” and the most likely reference is to the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom, just outside of Jerusalem and forming part of the border of Judah.  During Israel’s long decline they had a civil war that split the nation into the ten tribes of Israel to the north, and then Judah (including the tribe of Benjamin) further south and including Jerusalem.  Assyria, known for their cruelty, overthrew the ten tribes and marched the populace into oblivion.  Babylon would overthrow Judah later and those Israelis would spend 70 years as part of that empire before some returned to rebuild Jerusalem.  Both nations, long before they fell, developed the habit of worshipping the gods of neighboring nations as well as the God of Israel and the ultimate end of such idolatry was Tophet. 


The Valley of the Sons of Hinnom had a “high place” in that narrow valley dedicated to the infamous god Moloch, who required sacrifice, including that of children, in worship.  While the good king Josiah put a stop to that awful practice (2 Kings 23:10), people of a later generation started it again, leading the Lord, through Jeremiah (7:28-34) to issue one of the strongest condemnations in all of Scripture.  Here in Isaiah, God spoke to Assyria, a nation who probably introduced such practices to Israel and tells that empire and tells them He has His own place of burning, this of judgment instead of idolatry.  Assyria seemed all-powerful at the moment, but God makes it clear that they will pay for their idolatry and their many crimes (2 Peter 3:1-9).  Much of Isaiah is of this tone, and while it is hard to read, we do well to consider that God may delay judgment (2 Peter 3:1-9), He nonetheless notes injustice, remembers names, and will avenge injustice (Romans 12:18-20).  That is why we are to try to be at peace with everyone, if possible, and if justice is denied us, to turn the matter over to the Lord and not seek revenge.  And returning to the original thought, the worship of any god other than the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will take us down roads we never want to see.  Many people deserve honor, only One deserves worship.

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